Freese featured in Finnish fashion magazine Gloria
March Edition 2015 The feature showcases Freese’s background and her life philosophy
March Edition 2015 The feature showcases Freese’s background and her life philosophy
Featured on the “Alumni Authors Bookshelf”
by Troy Rummler The new director of the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics talks neutrinos, women in science, and the hunt for dark matter.
Infinite Energy Magazine, Issue 117 Infinite Energy is the bi-monthly magazine of the New Energy Foundation It is a technical magazine with outreach to the general public, providing material of interest to all people. (Click here to download the publication as an Adobe PDF file)
Library Thing “If you watched Cosmos or Through the Wormhole and want to know about the current research about dark matter and cosmology, look no further because this is the book for you. The book is readable, features cutting-edge science, and is wonderfully witty. In sum, a book that belongs on the shelves of anyone […] Steve Moore is a full-time writer and ex-scientist. Besides his many technical publications, he has written six sci-fi thrillers (one a novel for young adults), many short stories, and frequent comments on writing and the digital revolution in publishing.
Science News Katherine Freese explores dark matter and other mysterious parts of the universe. Review by Andrew Grant. (Click here to download the publication as an Adobe PDF file)
By: Tom Siegfried A conversation with Katherine Freese, the new director of the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics.
Times Higher Education Virginia Trimble on the search for the mysterious, magical secret ingredient of the universe.
AstroGuyz It’s the hottest topic in modern astrophysics. What exactly is dark matter and dark energy? It is kind of amazing to think that astrophysicists do not yet completely understand just what most of the universe is made of. And author Katherine Freese is on the forefront of this hunt, as she relates in her […]