Freese quoted in Science News article
by Andrew Grant “Katherine Freese, a theoretical astrophysicist at the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics in Stockholm, agrees that conclusively proving dark matter from positrons will be very difficult. ‘My bet is on pulsars,’ she says.”
Freese featured in Finnish fashion magazine Gloria
March Edition 2015 The feature showcases Freese’s background and her life philosophy
Columbia Alumni Association
Featured on the “Alumni Authors Bookshelf”
Symmetry Magazine – Q&A: Katherine Freese
by Troy Rummler The new director of the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics talks neutrinos, women in science, and the hunt for dark matter.
“The Cosmic Cocktail (Katherine Freese)” Review by George Michael
Infinite Energy Magazine, Issue 117 Infinite Energy is the bi-monthly magazine of the New Energy Foundation It is a technical magazine with outreach to the general public, providing material of interest to all people. (Click here to download the publication as an Adobe PDF file)
“The Cosmic Cocktail (Katherine Freese)” Review by Richard D. Deverell
Library Thing “If you watched Cosmos or Through the Wormhole and want to know about the current research about dark matter and cosmology, look no further because this is the book for you. The book is readable, features cutting-edge science, and is wonderfully witty. In sum, a book that belongs on the shelves of anyone […]