“UM Physicist On Her Big Bang Model’s Validation: ‘Woo hoo!’”
CBS WWJ-TV 62 Detroit Freese’s “natural inflation” model, which she describes as much simpler than some of its failed counterparts, will serve as a starting point for scientists to deepen their understanding of inflation and the earliest universe.
“Scotland Dark jagt Mister Wimp”
page 28, by: Robert Gast Physiker sind in einen einzigartigen Kriminalfall verstrickt: Sie wollen die rätselhafte Dunkle Materie, die seit dem Urknall im Kosmos ihr Unwesen treibt, endlich dingfest machen. Allzu viele Verstecke bleiben ihr nicht mehr (Click here to download the publication as an Adobe PDF file) (Click here to download the 2nd page […]
“Light in the Dark”
by: Tom Siegfried Scientists may be on the brink of identifying a mysterious form of matter. For decades, astronomers have grappled with their inability to decipher the universe’s darkest secret: the identity of most of its matter.
“DNA May Help Scientists Find ‘Dark Matter,’ the Glue that Binds Galaxies”
by: Brian Vastag That wonder molecule of life on Earth, DNA, is now being enlisted in the search for an exotic species zooming through the cosmos: dark matter.
“Hunting Dark Matter with DNA”
by: Tanya Lewis Physicists racing to detect the mysterious substance known as dark matter are thinking outside the box by looking inside the cell. A new proposal for tracking dark matter particles relies on strands of DNA. All the ordinary stuff in the universe, from the atoms in people to the hot plasma in stars, […]
“Gold and DNA Could Create New Dark Matter Detector”
by: Wired UK A combined team of physicists and biologists aim to build a directional dark matter detector using strands of DNA and gold.
“Dark Matter May Collide With Atoms Inside You More Often Than Thought,”
by: Charles Q. Choi “Before we did these calculations, I had been under the impression that on the average, one WIMP would hit one of the nuclei in a human body in about 100 years. In fact I used to joke about the ‘WIMP death theory,’” said researcher Katherine Freese, a theoretical physicist at the […]