Select Journal Publications
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- “Supermassive Dark Star candidates seen by JWST?,” C. Ilie, J. Paulin and K. Freese, [arXiv:2304.01173 [astro-ph.CO]], Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 120, no.30, e2305762120 (2023)
- “Dark Matter and Gravity Waves from a Dark Big Bang,” Freese and M. W. Winkler, Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 8, 083522, [arXiv:2302.11579 [astro-ph.CO]].
- “Chain early dark energy: A Proposal for solving the Hubble tension and explaining today’s dark energy,” K. Freese and M. W. Winkler, Phys. Rev. D 104, no.8, 083533 (2021) doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.104.083533 [arXiv:2102.13655 [astro-ph.CO]].
- “Searching for Dark Matter with Paleo-Detectors,” S. Baum, A. K. Drukier, K. Freese, M. Gorski and P. Stengel, arXiv:1806.05991 [astro-ph.CO], Phys.Lett. B803 (2020) 135325
- “The Simons Observatory: Science goals and forecasts,” J. Aguirre et al. [Simons Observatory Collaboration], arXiv:1808.07445 [astro-ph.CO], JCAP 2019, 56 (2019)
- “Unveiling ? secrets with cosmological data: neutrino masses and mass hierarchy,” S. Vagnozzi, E. Giusarma, O. Mena, K. Freese, M. Gerbino, S. Ho and M. Lattanzi, arXiv:1701.08172 [astro-ph.CO].
- “Status of Dark Matter in the Universe,” K. Freese, Proceedings of 14th Marcel Grossman Meeting, MG14, University of Rome ”La Sapienza”, Rome, July 2015, arXiv:1701:01840, Int.J.Mod.Phys. D26 (2017) no.06, 1730012
- “Dark Stars: A Review,” K. Freese, T. Rindler-Daller, D. Spolyar, and M. Valluri, arXiv:1501.02394 [astro-ph.CO], Reports on Progress in Physics, Volume 79, Issue 6, article id. 066902 (2016).
- New Dark Matter Detectors using DNA for Nanometer Tracking. Andrzej Drukier, Katherine Freese, David Spergel, Charles Cantor, George Church, Takeshi Sano, arXiv:1206.6809.
- The Phantom Bounce: A New Proposal for an Oscillating Cosmology. Matthew G. Brown, Katherine Freese, William H. Kinney, JCAP 0803:002,2008.
- Chain Inflation in the Landscape: ”Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble” by K. Freese and D. Spolyar, hep-ph/0412145, JCAP 0507 (2005) 007.
- Cardassian expansion: A Model in which the universe is flat, matter dominated, and accelerating. Katherine Freese and Matthew Lewis, Phys.Lett.B540:1-8,2002.
- Can geodesics in extra dimensions solve the cosmological horizon problem? Daniel J.H. Chung, Katherine Freese, Phys.Rev.D62:063513,2000.
- Natural inflation: Particle physics models, power law spectra for large scale structure, and constraints from COBE. Fred C. Adams, J.Richard Bond, Katherine Freese, Joshua A. Frieman, Angela Olinto, Phys.Rev.D47:426-455,1993.
- Natural Inflation with Pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Bosons, Katherine Freese, Joshua Frieman, and Angela Olinto, Physical Review Letters 65, p. 3233 (1990)
- Cosmology with Decaying Vacuum Energy, Katherine Freese, Fred Adams, Joshua Frieman, and Emil Mottola, Nuclear Physics B 287, p. 797 (1987)
- Detecting Cold Dark Matter Candidates, Andrzej Drukier, Katherine Freese, and David Spergel, Physical Review D33, p. 3495 (1986)
Other Journal Publications:
- Massive, Degenerate Neutrinos and Cosmology, Katherine Freese, Edward W. Kolb, and Michael S. Turner, Physical Review D27, p. 1689 (1983)
- Is the Local Monopole Flux Enhanced?, Katherine Freese and Michael S. Turner, Physics Letters 123B, p. 293 (1983)
- Monopole Catalysis of Nucleon Decay in Old Pulsars, Katherine Freese, Michael S. Turner, and David N. Schramm, Physical Review Letters 51, p. 1625 (1983)
- Galaxy Formation with Primordial Planetary Mass Black Holes, Katherine Freese, Richard Price, and David N. Schramm, Astrophysical Journal 275, p. 405 (1983)
- General Cosmological Constraints on the Masses of Stable Neutrinos and other ‘Inos’, Katherine Freese and David N. Schramm, Nuclear Physics B233, p. 167 (1984)
- Lower and Upper Bounds on the Radius of Composite Quarks and Leptons, Itzhak Bars, Mark J. Bowick, and Katherine Freese, Physics Letters 138B, p. 159 (1984)
- Do Monopoles Keep White Dwarfs Hot?, Katherine Freese, Astrophysical Journal 286, p. 216 (1984)
- Covariant Functional Schr¨odinger Formalism and Application to the Hawking Effect, Katherine Freese, Christopher Hill, and Mark Mueller, Nuclear Physics B225, p. 693 (1985)
- Cold Dark Matter Candidates and the Solar Neutrino Problem, Lawrence Krauss, Katherine Freese, David Spergel, and William Press, Astrophysical Journal 299, p. 1001 (1985)
- Can Scalar Neutrinos or Massive Dirac Neutrinos be the Missing Mass? Katherine Freese, Physics Letters B167, p. 295 (1986)
- Detecting Cold Dark Matter Candidates, Andrzej Drukier, Katherine Freese, and David Spergel, Physical Review D33, p. 3495 (1986)
- Thermoelectric Effects in Neutron Star Crusts and the msec Pulsar, John Blondin and Katherine Freese, Nature 323, p. 786 (1986)
- Cosmology with Decaying Vacuum Energy, Katherine Freese, Fred Adams, Joshua Frieman, and Emil Mottola, Nuclear Physics B 287, p. 797 (1987)
- Neutrino Mixing, Decays and Supernova 1987A, Joshua Frieman, Howard Haber, and Katherine Freese, Physics Letters B200, p. 115 (1988)
- Signal Modulation in Cold Dark Matter Detection, Katherine Freese, Joshua Frieman, and Andrew Gould, Physical Review D37, p. 3388 (1988)
- Superheavy Magnetic Monopoles and Main-Sequence Stars, Joshua Frieman, Katherine Freese, and Michael S. Turner, Astrophysical Journal, 335, p. 844 (1988)
- Cosmic Ray Constraints on the Annihilations of Relic Particles in the Galactic Halo, J. Ellis, R.A. Flores, K. Freese, S. Ritz, D. Seckel, and J. Silk, Physics Letters B214, p. 403 (1988)
- Probing the Earth with Weakly Interacting Massive Particles, Andrew Gould, Joshua Frieman, and Katherine Freese, Physical Review D39, p. 1029 (1989)
- Spectral Distortions of the Cosmic Microwave Background, Fred Adams, Katherine Freese, Janna Levin, and Jonathan McDowell, Astrophysical Journal 344, p.24 (1989)
- Bolometric Detection of Cold Dark Matter Candidates, Andrzej Drukier, Katherine Freese, and Joshua Frieman, unpublished work
- Halo Gamma Rays from Cold Dark Matter Annihilation, Katherine Freese and Joseph Silk, Physical Review D40, p. 3828 (1989)
- Evolution of Nonspherical Bubbles, Fred C. Adams, Katherine Freese, and Lawrence Widrow, Physical Review D41, p. 347 (1990)
- Evolution of Hadron Bubbles: Voyage into the Quark Sea, Katherine Freese and Fred C. Adams, Physical Review D41, p. 2449 (1990)
- Natural Inflation with Pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Bosons, Katherine Freese, Joshua Frieman, and Angela Olinto, Physical Review Letters 65, p. 3233 (1990)
- Constraints on the Scalar Field Potential in Inflationary Models, Fred Adams, Katherine Freese, and Alan Guth, Physical Review D43, p. 965 (1991)
- Double Field Inflation, Fred Adams and Katherine Freese, Physical Review D43, p. 353 (1991)
- COBE Limits on Explosive Structure Formation Scenarios, Janna Levin, Katherine Freese, and David Spergel, Astrophysical Journal 389, p. 464 (1992)
- Instability and Subsequent Evolution of Electroweak Bubbles, Marc Kamionkowski and Katherine Freese, Physical Review Letters 69, p. 2743 (1992)
- Natural Inflation: Particle Physics Models, Power Law Spectra for Large-Scale Structure, and Constraints from COBE, F. Adams, J. R. Bond, K. Freese, J. Frieman, and A. Olinto, Physical Review D 47, p. 426 (1993)
- The MAD Era: A Possible New Resolution to the Horizon and Monopole Problems, Katherine Freese and Janna Levin, unpublished
- Possible Solution to the Horizon Problem: Modified Aging in Massless Scalar Theories of Gravity, Janna Levin and Katherine Freese, Physical Review D 47, p. 4282 (1993)
- Baryon Number Diffusion and Instabilities in the Quark/Hadron Phase Transition, Fred Adams, Katherine Freese, and James Langer, Physical Review D 47, p.4303 (1993)
- Extension of the Parker Bound on the Flux of Magnetic Monopoles, Fred Adams, Marco Fatuzzo, Katherine Freese, Greg Tarl´e, Rick Watkins, and Michael Turner, Physical Review Letters 70, p.2511 (1993); results quoted in Particle Data Book
- Curvature and Flatness in a Brans-Dicke Universe, Janna Levin and Katherine Freese, Nuclear Physics B 421, p. 635 (1994)
- Coupling of Pseudo Nambu Goldstone Bosons to Other Scalars and its Role in Double Field Inflation, Katherine Freese, Physical Review D 50, p. 7731 (1994)
- Calculation of Particle Production by Nambu Goldstone Bosons with Application to Inflation Reheating and Baryogenesis, Alexandre Dolgov and Katherine Freese, Physical Review D 51, p.2693 (1995).
- The Scalar Field Potential in Inflationary Models: Reconstruction and Further Constraints, Fred Adams and Katherine Freese, Physical Review D 51, p. 6722 (1995).
- Neutrino Mixing, Decays, and Supernova 1987A, Joshua Frieman, Howard Haber, and Katherine Freese, in the book “Solar Neutrinos: The First Thirty Years,” edited by J.N. Bahcall, R. Davis, Jr., P. Parker, A. Smirnov, and R. Ulrich (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.) (1995).
- Analysis of a Space Telescope Search for Red Dwarfs: Limits on Baryonic Matter in the Galactic Halo, David Graff and Katherine Freese, Astrophysical Journal Letters 456, p. L49 (1996).
- Moduli Inflation with Large Scale Structure Produced by Topological Defects, Katherine Freese, Tony Gherghetta, and Hideyuki Umeda, Physical Review D 54, p. 6083 (1996).
- Identification and Visualization of the Formation Process of Ozone “Mini-Holes” Using Wavelet Analysis, Beth Weinberg, S. Roland Drayson, and Katherine Freese, Geophysical Research Letters 23, p. 2223 (1996).
- The Mass Function of Low Mass Halo Stars: Limits on Baryonic Halo Dark Matter, by David Graff and Katherine Freese, Astrophysical Journal Letters 467, p. L65 (1996).
- Indirect Detection of a Light Higgsino Motivated by Collider Data, by Katherine Freese and Marc Kamionkowski, Physical Review 55, p. 1771 (1997).
- Baryogenesis during Reheating in Inflation and Comments on Spontaneous Baryogenesis, by Alexandre Dolgov, Katherine Freese, Raghu Rangarajan, and Mark Srednicki, Physical Review D56, p. 6155 (1997).
- Constraints on Intergalactic Transport of Cosmic Rays, by F.C. Adams, K. Freese, G. Laughlin, G. Tarle, and N. Schwadron, Astrophysical Journal 491, p. 6 (1997).
- MACHOs, White Dwarfs, and the Age of the Universe, by David Graff, Greg Laughlin, and Katherine Freese, Astrophysical Journal 499, p.7 (1998).
- Machos Viewed from a Cosmological Perspective: Contribution to the Baryonic Mass Density of the Universe, by B. Fields, K. Freese, and D. Graff, New Astronomy 3, p. 357 (1998).
- A Bound on the Flux of Magnetic Monopoles from Catalysis of Nucleon Decay in White Dwarfs, Katherine Freese and Eleonora Krasteva, Physical Review D 59, p. 3004 (1999); results quoted in Particle Data Book (2000).
- Constraining the Cosmic Abundance of Stellar Remnants with Multi-TeV Gamma-Rays, David Graff, Katherine Freese, Terry Walker, and Mark Pinsonneault, Astrophysical Journal Letters 523, p. L77 (2000).
- Chemical Abundance Constraints on White Dwarfs as candidate Massive Compact Halo Objects, Brian Fields, Katherine Freese, and David Graff, Astrophysical Journal 534 p. 265 (2000).
- Cosmological Challenges in Theories with Extra Dimensions and Remarks on the Horizon Problem, Dan Chung and Katherine Freese, Physical Review D 61, p. 2351 (2000).
- Can Geodesics in Extra Dimensions solve the Cosmological Horizon Problem? Dan Chung and Katherine Freese, Phys. Rev. D 62, p. 063513 (2000).
- Protogalactic Extension of the Parker Bound, Matthew Lewis, Katherine Freese, and Greg Tarle, Phys. Rev. D. 62, p. 025002 (2000).
- CP Violating Effects in Neutralino Scattering and Annihilation, Paolo Gondolo and Katherine Freese, in press, JHEP
- Death of Baryonic Dark Matter, Katherine Freese, Physics Reports 333, p. 183 (2000).
- Hagedorn Inflation of D-Branes, Steven Abel, Katherine Freese, and Ian Kogan, JHEP 0101, p. 39 (2001).
- Direct Detection of Extragalactic WIMPs, Katherine Freese, Paolo Gondolo, and Leo Stodolsky, Phys.Rev. D 64 p. 123502 (2001)
- The Cosmic Ray Positron Excess and Neutralino Dark Matter, Ted Baltz, Joakim Edsjo, Katherine Freese, and Paolo Gondolo, Phys. Rev. D 65 p. 063511, (2002).
- Cardassian Expansion: a Model in which the Universe is Flat, Matter Dominated, and Accelerating, Katherine Freese and Matthew Lewis, Phys.Lett. B540 p.1 (2002).
- Lensed Density Perturbations in Braneworlds, Daniel Chung and Katherine Freese, Phys.Rev. D67, p. 103505 (2003)
- A Wavelet Analysis of Solar Climate Forcing: I) Solar Cycle Timescales, Matthew Lewis and Katherine Freese, submitted for publication, Journal for Geophysical Research (2002).
- The Ultimate Fate of Life in an Accelerating Universe, Katherine Freese andWilliam Kinney, Phys.Lett. B558 p.1 (2003).
- Hagedorn Inflation: Open Strings on Branes Can Drive Inflation, Steven Abel, Katherine Freese, and Ian Kogan, Phys.Lett. B561 p. 1 (2003).
- Fluid Interpretation of Cardassian Expansion, Paolo Gondolo and Katherine Freese, Phys.Rev. D68 p. 063509 (2003).
- Observational Tests of Open Strings in Braneworld Scenarios, Katherine Freese, Matthew Lewis, and Jan Pieter van der Schaar, JHEP 0307 p.26 (2003).
- An Accelerating Universe from Dark Matter Interactions with Negative Pressure, Paolo Gondolo and Katherine Freese, hep-ph/0211397
- Future Type Ia Supernova Data as Tests of Dark Energy from Modified Friedmann Equations, Yun Wang, Katherine Freese, Paolo Gondolo, and Matthew Lewis, Astrophys. J. 594 p. 25 (2003).
- What Can WMAP Tell Us About The Very Early Universe? New Physics as an Explanation of Suppressed Large Scale Power and Running Spectral Index, M. Bastero-Gil, K. Freese, L. Mersini-Houghton, Phys. Rev. D68 p. 123514 (2003).
- The Phase of the Annual Modulation as a Tool for Determining the WIMP Mass, M. J. Lewis and K. Freese, astro-ph/0307190, Phys.Rev. D70 (2004) 043501.
- Detectability of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles in the Sagittarius Dwarf Tidal Stream, K. Freese, P. Gondolo, and H. J. Newberg, astro-ph/0309279, Phys. Rev. D71 (2005) 043516.
- The Effects of the Sagittarius Dwarf Tidal Stream on Dark Matter Detectors, K. Freese, P. Gondolo, H. Newberg, and M. Lewis, Phys.Rev.Lett. 92, p. 111301 (2004).
- Probing the Evolution of the Dark Energy Density with Future Supernova Surveys, Y. Wang, V. Kostov, K. Freese, J. A. Frieman, and P. Gondolo, JCAP 0412 (2004)
- Age of the Universe in the Cardassian Model, C.Savage, N. Sugiyama, K. Freese, astro-ph/0403196, JCAP 0510:007,2005.
- Probing Dark Energy Using Its Density Instead of Its Equation of State Authors, Y. Wang, K. Freese, astro-ph/0402208, Phys.Lett. B632 (2006) 449-452
- A Black Hole Solution to the Cosmological Monopole Problem, D. Stojkovic and K. Freese, Physics Letters B606 (2005) 251.
- On: Natural Inflation, K. Freese and W. Kinney, Phys.Rev. D70 (2004) 083512
- The Phantom Bounce: A New Oscillating Cosmology, M. Brown, K. Freese, and W. Kinney, astro-ph/0405353, JCAP03(2008)002.
- Can WIMP Spin Dependent Couplings explain DAMA data, in light of Null Results from Other Experiments? C. Savage, P. Gondolo, and K. Freese, Phys.Rev. D70 (2004) 123513
- Radiative Corrections to the Inflaton Potential as an Explanation of Suppressed Large Scale Power in Density Perturbations and the Cosmic Microwave Background, A. Buchel, F. Chishtie, V. Elias, K. Freese, R. Mann, D. McKeon, and T. Steele, hep-ph/0410117, JCAP 0503 (2005) 003.
- Cardassian Expansion: Dark Energy Density from Modified Friedmann Equations, by K. Freese, astro-ph/0501675, New Astronomy Reviews 49 (2005) 103.
- Chain Inflation in the Landscape: ”Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble” by K. Freese and D. Spolyar, hep-ph/0412145, JCAP 0507 (2005) 007.
- Inflating with the QCD Axion, by K. Freese, J. T. Liu, and D. Spolyar, hepph/ 0502177, Phys.Rev. D72 (2005) 123521.
- Holes in the walls: primordial black holes as a solution to the cosmological monopole problem, hep-ph/0505026, Phys.Rev. D72 (2005) 045012.
- Devaluation: a dynamical mechanism for a naturally small cosmological constant, by K. Freese, J. T. Liu, and D. Spolyar, hep-ph/0510065, Physics Letters B634 (2006) 119.
- New Models for a Triaxial Milky Way Spheroid and Effect on the Microlensing Optical Depth to the Large Magellanic Cloud, by C. Savage, H. J. Newberg, K. Freese, and P. Gondolo, astro-ph/0511046, JCAP 0607:003,2006.
- A Black Hole Conjecture and Rare Decays in Theories with Low Scale Gravity. C. Bambi, A.D. Dolgov, K. Freese, hep-ph/0606321, Nucl.Phys.B763:91-114 (2007) 91
- Annual Modulation of Dark Matter in the Presence of Streams. Chris Savage, Katherine Freese, Paolo Gondolo, astro-ph/0607121, Phys.Rev.D74:043531,2006.
- Natural Inflation: Status after WMAP 3-year data, Christopher Savage, Katherine Freese, and William H. Kinney, hep-ph/0609144, Phys.Rev.D74:123511,2006.
- Baryogenesis from Gravitational Decay of TeV-Particles in Theories with Low Scale Gravity, C. Bambi, A.D. Dolgov, K. Freese, hep-ph/0612018, JCAP 0704:005,2007.
- Chain Inflation via Rapid Tunneling in the Landscape. Katherine Freese, James T. Liu, and Douglas Spolyar, hep-th/0612056
- Dark matter and the first stars: a new phase of stellar evolution, Douglas Spolyar, Katherine Freese, and Paolo Gondolo, arXiv:0705.0521 [astro-ph], Phys.Rev.Lett: 100:051101,2008.
- Dark Matter Capture in the first star: a Power source and a limit on Stellar Mass. Katherine Freese, Douglas Spolyar, Anthony Aguirre, arXiv:0802.1724 [astro-ph], JCAP 0811:014,2008.
- Dangerous implications of a minimum length in quantum gravity, Cosimo Bambi and Katherine Freese, Class.Quant.Grav.25:195013,2008.
- “Dark Matter in the MSSM Golden Region,” J. Kasahara, K. Freese and P. Gondolo, arXiv:0805.0999 [hep-ph].
- “Dark Matter Densities during the Formation of the First Stars and in Dark Stars,” K. Freese, P. Gondolo, J. A. Sellwood and D. Spolyar, arXiv:0805.3540 [astro-ph].
- “Stellar Structure of Dark Stars: a first phase of Stellar Evolution due to Dark Matter Annihilation,” K. Freese, P. Bodenheimer, D. Spolyar and P. Gondolo, arXiv:0806.0617 [astro-ph], Astrophysical Journal Letters 685, 101 (2008).
- “Compatibility of DAMA/LIBRA dark matter detection with other searches,” C. Savage, G. Gelmini, P. Gondolo, K. Freese , e-Print: arXiv:0808.3607 [astro-ph]
- “Slow nucleation rates in Chain Inflation with QCD Axions or Monodromy,” A. Ashoorioon, K. Freese, J. T. Liu, e-Print: arXiv:0810.0228 [hep-ph]
- “GravityWaves from Chain Inflation,” A. Ashoorioon, K. Freese, e-Print: arXiv:0811.2401 [hep-th]
- “Implications of primordial black holes on the first stars and the origin of the super–massive black holes,” C. Bambi , D. Spolyar, A. D. Dolgov, K. Freese, M. Volonteri, e-Print: arXiv:0812.0585 [astro-ph]
- “Apparent shape of super-spinning black holes,” C. Bambi, K. Freese. e-Print: arXiv:0812.1328 [astro-ph]
- “Dark Stars: A New Look at the First Stars in the Universe,” D.Spolyar, P. Bodenheimer, K.Freese, and P. Gondolo, in preparation.
- “Reply to ’A note on the innocuous implications of a minimum length in quantum gravity’ by P.H. Frampton,” C. Bambi and K. Freese, arXiv:0902.2647 [hep-th].
- “Compatibility of DAMA/LIBRA dark matter detection with other searches in light of new Galactic rotation velocity measurements,” C. Savage, K. Freese, P. Gondolo and D. Spolyar, arXiv:0901.2713 [astro-ph].
- “Constraints on dark matter particles charged under a hidden gauge group from primordial black holes.” De-Chang Dai, (SUNY, Buffalo) , Katherine Freese, (Michigan U., MCTP) , Dejan Stojkovic, (SUNY, Buffalo), JCAP 0906:023, 2009. e-Print: arXiv:0904.3331 [hep-ph]
- “Accretion process onto super-spinning objects.” Cosimo Bambi, (Tokyo U., IPMU) , Katherine Freese, (Michigan U., MCTP) , Tomohiro Harada, (Rikkyo U., RCMAS) , Rohta Takahashi, (Wako, RIKEN) , Naoki Yoshida, (Tokyo U., IPMU). Phys. Rev. D80:104023, 2009. e-Print: arXiv:0910.1634 [gr-qc]
- “High Energy Neutrinos As A Test of Leptophilic Dark Matter.” Douglas Spolyar, Matthew R. Buckley, Katherine Freese, Dan Hooper, Hitoshi Murayama, e-Print: arXiv:0905.4764 [astro-ph.CO]
- “High-Energy Neutrino Signatures of Dark Matter Decaying into Leptons.” Matthew R. Buckley, Katherine Freese, Dan Hooper, Douglas Spolyar, Hitoshi Murayama, e-Print: arXiv:0907.2385 [astro-ph.HE], Phys. Rev. D81:016006, 2010.
- “Are we seeing the beginnings of Infation?” Cosmin Ilie, Tirthabir Biswas, Katherine Freese, e-Print: arXiv:0908.0991 [astro-ph.CO], Phys. Rev. D80:103521, 2009.
- “Kaluza-Klein Dark Matter And Neutrinos From Annihilation In The Sun.” Thomas Flacke, Arjun Menon, Dan Hooper, Katherine Freese, e-Print: arXiv:0908.0899 [hep-ph]
- “Cascade Events at IceCube+DeepCore as a Denitive Constraint on the Dark Matter Interpretation of the PAMELA and Fermi Anomalies.” Sourav K. Mandal, Matthew R. Buckley, Katherine Freese, Douglas Spolyar, Hitoshi Murayama, e-Print: arXiv:0911.5188 [hep-ph], Phys. Rev. D81:043508, 2010.
- “The Sensitivity of the IceCube Neutrino Detector to Dark Matter Annihilating in Dwarf Galaxies.” Pearl Sandick, Douglas Spolyar, Matthew R. Buckley, Katherine Freese, Dan Hooper, e-Print: arXiv:0912.0513 [astro-ph.CO], Phys. Rev. D81:083506, 2010.
- “Dark Stars: A New Study of the FIrst Stars in the Universe.” Katherine Freese, Douglas Spolyar, Peter Bodenheimer, Paolo Gondolo, New J. Phys. 11:105014, 2009. e-Print: arXiv:0903.0101 [astro-ph.CO]
- “Positrons in Cosmic Rays from Dark Matter Annihilations for Uplifted Higgs Regions in MSSM.” Kenji Kadota, Katherine Freese, and Paolo Gondolo, Phys. Rev. D81:115006, 2010, e-Print: arXiv:1003.4442 [hep-ph]
- “Supermassive Dark Stars: Detectable in JWST.” Katherine Freese, Cosmin Ilie, Douglas Spolyar, Monica Valluri, Peter Bodenheimer, e-Print: arXiv:1002.2233 [astro-ph.CO], Astro- phys. J. 716:1397-1407, 2010.
- “XENON10/100 dark matter constraints in comparison with CoGeNT and DAMA: examining the Leff dependence.” Christopher Savage, Graciela Gelmini, Paolo Gondolo, and Katherine Freese, e-Print: arXiv:1006.0972, Phys. Rev. D83:055002, 2011.
- “Dark Stars and Boosted Dark Matter Annihilation Rates.” Cosmin Ilie, Katherine Freese, and Douglas Spolyar, e-Print: arXiv:1008.0348, New J. Phys. 13:053050, 2011.
- “Black Holes in our Galactic Halo: Compatibility with FGST and PAMELA Data and Constraints on the First Stars.” Pearl Sandick, Juerg Diemand, Katherine Freese, and Douglas Spolyar, JCAP 1101:018, 2011. e-Print: arXiv:1008.3552 [astro-ph.CO]
- “Predictive Signatures of Supersymmetry: Measuring the Dark Matter Mass and Gluino Mass with Early LHC data.” Daniel Feldman, Katherine Freese, Pran Nath, Brent D. Nelson, Gregory Peim. e-Print: arXiv:1102.2548 [hep-ph], Phys. Rev. D84:015007, 2011.
- “Probing EWSB Naturalness in Unied SUSY Models with Dark Matter.” Stephen Amsel, Katherine Freese , Pearl Sandick, e-Print: arXiv:1108.0448 [hep-ph], JHEP 2011, 110 (2011)
- “Gamma-Ray Constraints on the First Stars from Annihilation of Light WIMPs.” Pearl Sandick, Juerg Diemand, Katherine Freese, Douglas Spolyar, e-Print: arXiv:1108.3820 [astroph.CO], Phys.Rev.D 85 083519 (2012)
- “Probing dark matter streams with CoGeNT.” Aravind Natarajan, Christopher Savage, Katherine Freese, e-Print: arXiv:1109.0014 [astro-ph.CO], Phys. Rev. D 84, 103005 (2011)
- “Observing Dark Stars with JWST.” Cosmin Ilie, Katherine Freese, Monica Valluri, Ilian T.Iliev, Paul Shapiro, e-Print: arXiv:1110.6202 [astro-ph.CO], MNRAS 422 (2012) 2164-2186
- “A Goldstone “Miracle”: The Absence of a Higgs Fine Tuning Problem in the Spontaneously Broken O(4) Linear Sigma Model.” Bryan W. Lynn, Glenn D. Starkman, Katherine Freese, Dmitry I. Podolsky, arXiv:1112.2150
- “Dark Matter collisions with the Human Body,” K. Freese and C. Savage, arXiv:1204.1339 [astro-ph.CO], accepted for publication Physics Letters B.
- “New Dark Matter Detectors using DNA for Nanometer Tracking,” A. Drukier, K. Freese, D. Spergel, C. Cantor, G. Church and T. Sano, to be published, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, arXiv:1206.6809 [astro-ph.IM].
- “Annual Modulation of Dark Matter: A Review,” K. Freese, M. Lisanti, and C. Savage, Reviews of Modern Physics 85 (2013) 1561-1581
- “Numerical Evidence for Dark Star Formation: A Comment on “Weakly Interacting Massive Particle Dark Matter and First Stars: Suppression of Fragmentation in Primordial Star Formation” by Smith et al. 2012, ApJ 761, 154,” P. Gondolo, K. Freese, D. Spolyar and P. Bodenheimer, arXiv:1304.7415 [astro-ph.CO].
- “First Test of Gravity Waves from Inflation using Advanced LIGO,” A. Lopez and K. Freese, arXiv:1305.5855 [astro-ph.HE].
Results Quoted in Particle Data Book See references 33 and 48 above. - “Neutralino Dark Matter with Light Staus, A. Pierce, N.R. Shah and K. Freese, arXiv:1309.7351 [hep-ph]”
- “New Class of Biological Detectors for WIMPs,” A. Drukier, C. Cantor, M. Chudnowski, G. Church, R. Fagaly, K. Freese, A. Lopez, T. Sano, C. Savage, W. Wong, arXiv:1403.8154 [astro-ph.IM], Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 29, 1443007 (2014)
- “Natural Inflation: Consistency with Cosmic Microwave Background Observations of Planck and BICEP2,” K. Freese and W. H. Kinney, “ arXiv:1403.5277 [astro-ph.CO].
- “New Dark Matter Detectors using Nanoscale Explosives,” Alejandro Lopez, Andrzej Drukier, Katherine Freese, Cagliyan Kurdak, and Gregory Tarle, arXiv:1403.8115 [astro-ph.IM].
- “Negative running prevents eternal inflation,” William H. Kinney, Katherine Freese, arXiv:1404.4614 [astro-ph.CO]
- “Dark Stars: A Review,” K. Freese, T. Rindler-Daller, D. Spolyar, and M. Valluri, arXiv:1501.02394 [astro-ph.CO], Reports on Progress in Physics, Volume 79, Issue 6, article id. 066902 (2016).
- “MSSM A-funnel and the Galactic Center Excess: Prospects for the LHC and Direct Detection Experiments,” K. Freese, A. Lopez, N. R. Shah and B. Shakya, JHEP 1604 (2016) 059, arXiv:1509.05076 [hep-ph].
- “The Impact of Baryons on the Direct Detection of Dark Matter,” C. Kelso, C. Savage, M. Valluri, K. Freese, G. Stinson, J. Ballin, JCAP 1608 (2016) 071, arXiv: 1601.04725 []
- “Solar Model in Light of New Measurements from Solar Wind Data,” S. Vagnozzi, K. Freese, and T. Zurbuchen, arXiv:1603.05960 [astro-ph], Astrophys. J. 839 (2017) 55
- “Gamma rays from muons from WIMPs: Implementation of radiative muon decays for dark matter analyses,” A. Scaffidi, K. Freese, J. Li, C. Savage, M. White and A. G. Williams, arXiv:1604.00744 [hep-ph], Phys. Rev. D 93, 115024 (2016)
- “On the improvement of cosmological neutrino mass bounds,” E. Giusarma, M. Gerbino, O. Mena, S. Vagnozzi, S. Ho and K. Freese, Phys. Rev. D 94, 083522 (2016), arXiv:1605.04320 [astro-ph.CO].
- “Impact of neutrino properties on the estimation of inflationary parameters from current and future observations,” Martina Gerbino, Katherine Freese, Sunny Vagnozzi, Massimiliano Lattanzi, Olga Mena, Elena Giusarma, Shirley Ho, Phys. Rev. D 95, 043512 (2017), arXiv:1610:08830
- “A novel approach to quantifying the sensitivity of current and future cosmological datasets to the neutrino mass ordering through Bayesian hierarchical modeling,” M. Gerbino, M. Lattanzi, O. Mena and K. Freese, arXiv:1611.07847 [astro-ph.CO].
- “A tale of dark matter capture, sub-dominant WIMPs, and neutrino observatories,” S. Baum, L. Visinelli, K. Freese and P. Stengel, arXiv:1611.09665 [astro-ph.CO], Phys. Rev. D 95, 043007 (2017).
- “Constraints on Primordial Black Holes with Extended Mass Functions,” F. Kuhnel and K. Freese, arXiv:1701.07223 [astro-ph.CO], Phys. Rev. D 95, 083508 (2017).
- “Theia: Faint objects in motion or the new astrometry frontier,” C. Boehm et al [Theia Collaboration], arXiv:1707.01348.
- “A New Limit on CMB Circular Polarization from SPIDER,” J. M. Nagy et al. [SPIDER Collaboration], arXiv:1704.00215 [astro-ph.CO]
- “Primordial Black-Hole and Macroscopic Dark-Matter Constraints with LISA,” F. Kuhnel, G. D. Starkman and K. Freese, arXiv:1705.10361 [gr-qc].
- “Unveiling ? secrets with cosmological data: neutrino masses and mass hierarchy,” S. Vagnozzi, E. Giusarma, O. Mena, K. Freese, M. Gerbino, S. Ho and M. Lattanzi, arXiv:1701.08172 [astro-ph.CO].
- “On NMSSM Higgs Search Strategies at the LHC and the Mono-Higgs Signature in Particular,” S. Baum, K. Freese, N. R. Shah and B. Shakya, arXiv:1703.07800 [hep-ph], Phys. Rev. D 95, 115036 (2017).
- “A New Limit on CMB Circular Polarization from SPIDER,” J. M. Nagy et al. [SPIDER Collaboration], arXiv:1704.00215 [astro-ph.CO], Astrophys.J. 844 (2017) no.2, 151
- “Primordial Black-Hole and Macroscopic Dark-Matter Constraints with LISA,” F. Kuhnel, G. D. Starkman and K. Freese, arXiv:1705.10361 [gr-qc].
- “Theia: Faint objects in motion or the new astrometry frontier,” C. Boehm et al [Theia Collaboration], arXiv:1707.01348.
- “Determining Dark Matter properties with a XENONnT/LZ signal and LHC-Run3 mono-jet searches,” S. Baum, R. Catena, J. Conrad, K. Freese and M. B. Krauss, arXiv:1709.06051 [hep-ph].
- “Examining the time dependence of DAMA’s modulation amplitude,” C. Kelso, C. Savage, P. Sandick, K. Freese and P. Gondolo, arXiv:1710.03770 [hep-ph].
- “Dilute and dense axion stars,” L. Visinelli, S. Baum, J. Redondo, K. Freese and F. Wilczek, arXiv:1710.08910 [astro-ph.CO], Phys.Lett. B777 (2018) 64-72
- “280 GHz Focal Plane Unit Design and Characterization for the SPIDER-2 Suborbital Po- larimeter,” A. S. Bergman, K.F., etal, arXiv:1711:04169
- “SPIDER: CMB Polarimetry from the Edge of Space,” R. Gualtieri et al. [SPIDER Collab- oration], arXiv:1711.10596 [astro-ph.CO].
- “Constraints on the sum of the neutrino masses in dynamical dark energy models with w(z) = -1 are tighter than those obtained in ?CDM,” S. Vagnozzi, S. Dhawan, M. Gerbino, K. Freese, A. Goobar and O. Mena, arXiv:1801.08553 [astro-ph.CO].
- “Scale-dependent galaxy bias, CMB lensing-galaxy cross-correlation, and neutrino masses,” E. Giusarma, S. Vagnozzi, S. Ho, S. Ferraro, K. Freese, R. Kamen-Rubio and K. B. Luk, arXiv:1802.08694 [astro-ph.CO].
- “The Higgs Boson can delay Reheating after Inflation,” K. Freese, E. I. Sfakianakis, P. Stengel and L. Visinelli, arXiv:1712.03791 [hep-ph].
- “Constraints on the sum of the neutrino masses in dynamical dark energy models with w(z) = -1 are tighter than those obtained in ?CDM,” S. Vagnozzi, S. Dhawan, M. Gerbino, K. Freese, A. Goobar and O. Mena, arXiv:1801.08553 [astro-ph.CO], Phys. Rev. D 98, 083501 (2018)
- “Scale-dependent galaxy bias, CMB lensing-galaxy cross-correlation, and neutrino masses,” E. Giusarma, S. Vagnozzi, S. Ho, S. Ferraro, K. Freese, R. Kamen-Rubio and K. B. Luk, arXiv:1802.08694 [astro-ph.CO], PRD 98 (2018) 123526
- “Dark Matter implications of DAMA/LIBRA-phase2 results,” S. Baum, K. Freese and C. Kelso, arXiv:1804.01231 [astro-ph.CO], Phys.Lett. B789 (2019) 262-269
- “Searching for Dark Matter with Paleo-Detectors,” S. Baum, A. K. Drukier, K. Freese, M. Gorski and P. Stengel, arXiv:1806.05991 [astro-ph.CO], Phys.Lett. B803 (2020) 135325 161. “Bias due to neutrinos must not uncorrect’d go,” S. Vagnozzi, T. Brinckmann, M. Archidi acono, K. Freese, M. Gerbino, J. Lesgourgues and T. Sprenger, arXiv:1807.04672 [astro ph.CO]], JCAP 1809, no. 09, 001 (2018)
- “The Simons Observatory: Science goals and forecasts,” J. Aguirre et al. [Simons Observatory Collaboration], arXiv:1808.07445 [astro-ph.CO], JCAP 2019, 56 (2019)
- “Paleo-detectors: Searching for Dark Matter with Ancient Minerals,” A. K. Drukier, S. Baum, K. Freese, M. Gorski and P. Stengel, arXiv:1811.06844 [astro-ph.CO], Phys. Rev. D 99, 043014 (2019)
- “Digging for Dark Matter: Spectral Analysis and Discovery Potential of Paleo-Detectors,” T. D. P. Edwards, B. J. Kavanagh, C. Weniger, S. Baum, A. K. Drukier, K. Freese, M. Gorski and P. Stengel, arXiv:1811.10549 [hep-ph], Phys. Rev. D 99, 043541 (2019)
- “The NMSSM is within Reach of the LHC: Mass Correlations & Decay Signatures,” S. Baum, N. R. Shah and K. Freese, arXiv:1901.02332 [hep-ph], JHEP04(2019)011
- “Uncertainties in Direct Dark Matter Detection in Light of GAIA,” Y. Wu, K. Freese, C. Kelso, P. Stengel, and M. Valluri, arXiv:1904.04781 [hep-ph], JCAP 10 (2019) 034 167. “Butterfly in a Cocoon, Understanding the origin and morphology of Globular Cluster Streams: The case of GD-1,” K. Malhan, R. Ibata, R. Carlberg, M. Valluri, and K. Freese, arXiv:1903.08141, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 881, Issue 2, article id. 106, 11 pp. (2019). 168. “Testing the rotational nature of the supermassive object M87* from the circularity and size of its first image,” C. Bambi, K. Freese, S. Vagnozzi and L. Visinelli, arXiv:1904.12983 [gr-qc], Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019) 044057
- “On the estimation of the Local Dark Matter Density using the rotation curve of the Milky Way,” P.F de Salas, K. Malhan, K. Freese, K. Hattori, M. Valluri, arXiv:1906.06133, JCAP 2019, (2019).
- “On Stochastic Effects and Primordial Black-Hole Formation,” F. Kuhnel and K. Freese, Eur. Phys. J. C 79, no.11, 954 (2019), [arXiv:1906.02744 [gr-qc]].
- “Waves from the Centre: Probing PBH and other Macroscopic Dark Matter with LISA,” F. Kuhnel, A. Matas, G. D. Starkman, K. Freese, e-Print: arXiv:1811.06387, Eur. Phys. J. C 80, no.7, 627 (2020).
- “The Simons Observatory: Astro2020 Decadal Project Whitepaper,” The Simons Observatory Collaboration, arXiv:1907.08284 [astro-ph], Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 51 (2019) 147 173. “Paleo-Detectors for Galactic Supernova Neutrinos,” S. Baum, T. D. Edwards, B. J. Ka vanagh, P. Stengel, A. K. Drukier, K. Freese, M. Grski and C. Weniger, [arXiv:1906.05800 [astro-ph.GA]], Phys. Rev. D 101, 103017 (2020).
- “CMB B-mode non-Gaussianity: optimal bispectrum estimator and Fisher forecasts,” A. J. Duiv envoorden, P. D. Meerburg and K. Freese, [arXiv:1911.11349 [astro-ph.CO]], Phys. Rev. D 102, 023521 (2020).
- S. Hagstotz, P. F. de Salas, S. Gariazzo, M. Gerbino, M. Lattanzi, S. Vagnozzi, K. Freese and S. Pastor, Phys. Rev. D 104, no.12, 123524 (2021) doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.104.123524 [arXiv:2003.02289 [astro-ph.CO]].
- “Probing the nature of dark matter with accreted globular cluster streams,” K. Malhan, M. Valluri, and K. Freese, arXiv:2005.12919, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 501, Issue 1, pp.179-200
- “The First Three Seconds: a Review of Possible Expansion Histories of the Early Universe,” R. Allahverdi, M. A. Amin, A. Berlin, N. Bernal, C. T. Byrnes, M. Sten Delos, A. L. Erick cek, M. Escudero, D. G. Figueroa, K. Freese, T. Harada, D. Hooper, D. I. Kaiser, T. Kar wal, K. Kohri, G. Krnjaic, M. Lewicki, K. D. Lozanov, V. Poulin, K. Sinha, T. L. Smith, T. Takahashi, T. Tenkanen, J. Unwin, V. Vaskonen and S. Watson, “The First Three Sec onds: a Review of Possible Expansion Histories of the Early Universe,” [arXiv:2006.16182 [astro-ph.CO]], Open J. Astrophys. Vol. 4, 2021
- ‘Cornering (quasi) degenerate neutrinos with cosmology,” M. Lattanzi, M. Gerbino, K. Freese, G. Kane and J. W. F. Valle, JHEP 2020, 213 (2020), [arXiv:2007.01650 [astro-ph.CO]], JHEP 10 (2020) 213
- A. Litsa, K. Freese, E. I. Sfakianakis, P. Stengel and L. Visinelli, “Large density pertur bations from reheating to standard model particles due to the dynamics of the Higgs boson during inflation,” Phys. Rev. D 104, no.12, 123546 (2021) doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.104.123546 [arXiv:2009.14218 [hep-ph]].
- J. Ziegler and K. Freese, “Filling the black hole mass gap: Avoiding pair instability in mas sive stars through addition of nonnuclear energy,” Phys. Rev. D 104, no.4, 043015 (2021) doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.104.043015 [arXiv:2010.00254 [astro-ph.HE]].
- T. Rindler-Daller, K. Freese, R. H. D. Townsend and L. Visinelli, “Stability and pulsation of the first dark stars,” [arXiv:2011.00231 [astro-ph.CO]], MNRAS 503 (2021) 3677 182. A. Litsa, K. Freese, E. I. Sfakianakis, P. Stengel and L. Visinelli, “Primordial non-Gaussianity from the Effects of the Standard Model Higgs during Reheating after Inflation,” [arXiv:2011.11649 [hep-ph]].
- M. W. Winkler and K. Freese, “The Power Spectrum of Density Perturbations in Chain Inflation,” [arXiv:2011.12980 [hep-th]], Phys. Rev. D 103, 043511 (2021)
- E. C. Shaw, P. A. R. Ade, S. Akers, M. Amiri, J. E. Austermann, J. A. Beall, D. T. Becker, S. J. Benton, A. S. Bergman and J. J. Bock, et al. “Design and pre-flight performance of SPIDER 280 GHz receivers,” Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 11453, 114532F (2020) doi:10.1117/12.2562941 [arXiv:2012.12407 [astro-ph.IM]].
- S. Jacobsen, K. Freese, C. Kelso, P. Sandick and P. Stengel, “Inelastic dark matter scattering off Thallium cannot save DAMA,” JCAP 10, 070 (2021) doi:10.1088/1475-7516/2021/10/070 [arXiv:2102.08367 [hep-ph]].
- P. A. R. Ade et al. [SPIDER], “A Constraint on Primordial B-modes from the First Flight of the Spider Balloon-borne Telescope,” Astrophys. J. 927, no.2, 174 (2022) doi:10.3847/1538- 4357/ac20df [arXiv:2103.13334 [astro-ph.CO]]. 15
- K. Freese and M. W. Winkler, “Chain early dark energy: A Proposal for solving the Hub ble tension and explaining today’s dark energy,” Phys. Rev. D 104, no.8, 083533 (2021) doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.104.083533 [arXiv:2102.13655 [astro-ph.CO]].
- A. E. Gambrel, A. S. Rahlin, X. Song, C. R. Contaldi, P. A. R. Ade, M. Amiri, S. J. Benton, A. S. Bergman, R. Bihary and J. J. Bock, et al. “The XFaster Power Spectrum and Likelihood Estimator for the Analysis of Cosmic Microwave Background Maps,” Astrophys. J. 922, no.2, 132 (2021) doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac230b [arXiv:2104.01172 [astro-ph.CO]].
- Y. Wu, M. Valluri, N. Panithanpaisal, R. E. Sanderson, K. Freese, A. Wetzel and S. Sharma, “Using action space clustering to constrain the recent accretion history of Milky Way-like galaxies,” Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 509, no.4, 5882-5901 (2021) doi:10.1093/mnras/stab3306 [arXiv:2104.08185 [astro-ph.GA]].
- S. Baum, T. D. P. Edwards, K. Freese and P. Stengel, “New Projections for Dark Matter Searches with Paleo-Detectors,” Instruments 5, no.2, 21 (2021) doi:10.3390/instruments5020021 [arXiv:2106.06559 [astro-ph.CO]].
- J. S. Y. Leung, J. Hartley, J. M. Nagy, C. B. Netterfield, J. A. Shariff, P. A. R. Ade, M. Amiri, S. J. Benton, A. S. Bergman and R. Bihary, et al. “A Simulation-Based Method for Correcting Mode Coupling in CMB Angular Power Spectra,” [arXiv:2111.01113 [astro-ph.CO]], ApJ 928(2):109, 2022.
- J. P. Filippini, A. E. Gambrel, A. S. Rahlin, E. Y. Young, P. A. R. Ade, M. Amiri, S. J. Ben ton, A. S. Bergman, R. Bihary and J. J. Bock, et al. “In-flight gain monitoring of SPIDER’s transition-edge sensor arrays,” [arXiv:2112.00820 [astro-ph.IM]], 022-02729-5, Journal of Low Temperature Physics (2022).
- F. Malbet, C. Boehm, A. Krone-Martins, A. Amorim, G. Anglada-Escud´e, A. Brandeker, F. Courbin, T. Enßlin, A. Falc˜ao and K. Freese, et al. “Faint objects in motion: the new fron tier of high precision astrometry,” Exper. Astron. 51, no.3, 845-886 (2021) doi:10.1007/s10686- 021-09781-1 [arXiv:1910.08028 [astro-ph.IM]].
- K. Freese, A. Litsa and M. W. Winkler, “Natural Chain Inflation,” Phys. Lett. B 829, 137081 (2022) doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2022.137081 [arXiv:2109.11556 [hep-th]]. 195. S. Sivertsson, J. I. Read, H. Silverwood, P. F. de Salas, K. Malhan, A. Widmark, C. F. P. La porte, S. Garbari and K. Freese, “Estimating the local dark matter density in a non-axisymmetric wobbling disc,” [arXiv:2201.01822 [astro-ph.GA]], Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 511, Issue 2, pp.1977-1991.
- F. Malbet, C. Boehm, A. Krone-Martins, A. Amorim, G. Anglada-Escud´e, A. Brandeker, F. Courbin, T. Enßlin, A. Falc˜ao and K. Freese, et al. “Faint objects in motion: the new fron tier of high precision astrometry,” Exper. Astron. 51, no.3, 845-886 (2021) doi:10.1007/s10686- 021-09781-1 [arXiv:2111.08709 [astro-ph.IM]].
- K. Malhan, M. Valluri, K. Freese and R. A. Ibata, “New constraints on the dark matter density profiles of dwarf galaxies from proper motions of globular cluster streams,” The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 941, Issue 2, id.L38, [arXiv:2201.03571 [astro-ph.GA]].
- K. Freese, I. Galstyan, P. Sandick and P. Stengel, “Neutrino point source searches for dark matter spikes,” JCAP 08, 065 (2022) doi:10.1088/1475-7516/2022/08/065 [arXiv:2202.01126 [astro-ph.CO]].
- C. L. Chang, K. M. Huffenberger, B. A. Benson, F. Bianchini, J. Chluba, J. Delabrouille, R. Flauger, S. Hanany, W. C. Jones and A. J. Kogut, et al. “Snowmass2021 Cosmic Fron tier: Cosmic Microwave Background Measurements White Paper,” [arXiv:2203.07638 [astro ph.CO]]. 16
- A. Coogan, T. D. P. Edwards, H. S. Chia, R. N. George, K. Freese, C. Messick, C. N. Setzer, C. Weniger and A. Zimmerman, “Efficient Template Bank Generation with Differentiable Waveforms,” Phys.Rev.D 106 (2022) 12, 122001, [arXiv:2202.09380 [astro-ph.IM]].
- S. Jacobsen, T. Linden and K. Freese, “Constraining Axion-Like Particles with HAWC Ob servations of TeV Blazars,” [arXiv:2203.04332 [hep-ph]].
- S. Gariazzo, M. Gerbino, T. Brinckmann, M. Lattanzi, O. Mena, T. Schwetz, S. Choudhury Roy, K. Freese, S. Hannestad and C. A. Ternes, et al. “Neutrino mass and mass ordering: no conclusive evidence for normal ordering,” JCAP 10, 010 (2022), [arXiv:2205.02195 [hep-ph]].
- J. J. Ziegler, T. D. P. Edwards, A. M. Suliga, I. Tamborra, S. Horiuchi, S. Ando and K. Freese, “Non-universal stellar initial mass functions: large uncertainties in star formation rates at z ~ 4 and other astrophysical probes,” Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 517, no.2, 2471-2484 (2022) [arXiv:2205.07845 [astro-ph.GA]].
- Y. Wu, S. Baum, K. Freese, L. Visinelli and H. B. Yu, “Dark stars powered by self-interacting dark matter,” Phys. Rev. D 106, no.4, 043028 (2022) doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.106.043028 [arXiv:2205.10904 [hep-ph]].
- I. Tanseri, S. Hagstotz, S. Vagnozzi, E. Giusarma and K. Freese, “Updated neutrino mass constraints from galaxy clustering and CMB lensing-galaxy cross-correlation measurements,” JHEAp 36, 1-26 (2022) doi:10.1016/j.jheap.2022.07.002 [arXiv:2207.01913 [astro-ph.CO]].
- K. Freese and M. W. Winkler, “Have pulsar timing arrays detected the hot big bang: Grav itational waves from strong first order phase transitions in the early Universe,” Phys. Rev. D 106, no.10, 103523 (2022) doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.106.103523 [arXiv:2208.03330 [astro ph.CO]].
- G. Montefalcone, V. Aragam, L. Visinelli and K. Freese, “Constraints on the scalar-field potential in warm inflation,” Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 6, 063543, [arXiv:2209.14908 [gr-qc]]. 208. H. S. Chia, T. D. P. Edwards, R. N. George, A. Zimmerman, A. Coogan, K. Freese, C. Mes sick and C. N. Setzer, “Dimensionally Reduced Waveforms for Spin-Induced Quadrupole Searches,” [arXiv:2211.00039 [gr-qc]].
- G. Montefalcone, V. Aragam, L. Visinelli and K. Freese, “Observational Constraints on Warm Natural Inflation,” JCAP 03 (2023) 002, [arXiv:2212.04482 [gr-qc]].
- J. Ziegler and K. Freese, “A Gap No More: Mechanism for Non-Nuclear Energy to Fill in the Black Hole Mass Gap,” [arXiv:2212.13903 [astro-ph.HE]].
- S. Baum, P. Stengel, N. Abe, J. F. Acevedo, G. R. Araujo, Y. Asahara, F. Avignone, L. Balogh, L. Baudis and Y. Boukhtouchen, et al. “Mineral Detection of Neutrinos and Dark Matter. A Whitepaper,” Phys. Dark Univ. 41 (2023), 101245, [arXiv:2301.07118 [astro-ph.IM]].
- K. Freese and M. W. Winkler, “Dark Matter and Gravity Waves from a Dark Big Bang,” Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 8, 083522, [arXiv:2302.11579 [astro-ph.CO]].
- C. Ilie, J. Paulin and K. Freese, “Supermassive Dark Star candidates seen by JWST?,” [arXiv:2304.01173 [astro-ph.CO]], Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 120, no.30, e2305762120 (2023) 214. S. Zhang, C. Ilie and K. Freese, Astrophys. J. 965, no.2, 121 (2024) doi:10.3847/1538- 4357/ad27ce [arXiv:2306.11606 [astro-ph.GA]].
- S. Alexander, C. Creque-Sarbinowski, H. Gilmer and K. Freese, “Higgs Inflation and the Electroweak Gauge Sector,” [arXiv:2306.04671 [hep-ph]].
- G. Montefalcone, V. Aragam, L. Visinelli and K. Freese, “WarmSPy: a numerical study of cosmological perturbations in warm inflation,” JCAP 2401, 032 (2024), [arXiv:2306.16190 [astro-ph.CO]].
- K. Freese, A. Litsa and M. W. Winkler, “The Gravitational Wave Spectrum of Chain Infla tion,” [arXiv:2311.03434 [astro-ph.CO]].17
- G. Montefalcone, R. O. Ramos, G. S. Vicente and K. Freese, “Defying eternal inflation in warm inflation with a negative running,” [arXiv:2311.03487 [astro-ph.CO]]. 219. C. Ilie, K. Freese, A. Petric and J. Paulin, “UHZ1 and the other three most distant quasars observed: possible evidence for Supermassive Dark Stars,” [arXiv:2312.13837 [astro-ph.GA]]. 220. M. W. Winkler and K. Freese, “Origin of the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background: First-Order Phase Transition vs. Black Hole Mergers,” [arXiv:2401.13729 [astro-ph.CO]]. 221. K. Freese, G. Montefalcone and B. Shams Es Haghi, “Dark Matter production during Warm Inflation via Freeze-In,” [arXiv:2401.17371 [hep-ph]].
- K. K. Boddy, K. Freese, G. Montefalcone and B. Shams Es Haghi, “Minimal Dark Mat ter Freeze-in with Low Reheating Temperatures and Implications for Direct Detection,” [arXiv:2405.06226 [hep-ph]].
Conference Proceedings
- Neutrino Astrophysics, D.N. Schramm and K. Freese, J.R. Wilson Festschrift, University of Illinois, October 1982
- Cosmological Constraints on Neutrinos and other `Inos’ and the Missing Light Problem, D.N. Schramm and K. Freese, Third Moriond Conference in Astrophysics, La Plagne, France, March 1983
- Monopoles in pulsar PSR 1929+10, K. Freese, Monopole ’83 Conference, University of Michigan, October 1983
- Covariant Schrodinger Formalism and Application to Accelerated Observers, K. Freese, Marcel Grossman Meeting in General Relativity, Rome, Italy, June 1985
- Fundamental Physics and Dark Matter, K. Freese, Santa Cruz Workshop on Galaxy Formation,Santa Cruz, California, July 1986
- Detecting \Missing Mass” Candidates with the Superheated Superconducting Detector, A.K. Drukier, K. Freese, and D.N. Spergel, Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Baltimore, Maryland, September 1986
- Cosmology with Decaying Vacuum Energy, K. Freese, J. Frieman, F. Adams, and E. Mottola, Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA, Sept. 1987
- Halo Antiprotons and Gamma Rays from Cold Dark Matter Annihilation, J. Ellis, R.A. Flores, K. Freese, S. Ritz, D. Seckel, and J. Silk, Particle Astrophysics Workshop, Berkeley, CA, Dec. 1988
- Spectral Distortions of the Cosmic Microwave Background, F.C. Adams, K. Freese, J. Levin,and J.C. McDowell, Particle Astrophysics Workshop, Berkeley, CA, Dec. 1988
- Astrophysical Dark Matter: Candidates from Particle Physics and Detection Possibilities, Katherine Freese, Weak Interactions in Nuclei (WEIN) Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 1989
- Natural Inflation, Katherine Freese, Texas/ESO-CERN Symposium, Brighton, England, December 1990
- Indirect Detection of Dark Matter, Katherine Freese, Texas/ESO-CERN Symposium, Brighton, England, December 1990
- Unnatural and Natural Inflation, Katherine Freese, PASCOS Meeting, Northeastern University, March 1991
- The MAD Era: A Possible New Resolution to the Horizon Problem, Janna Levin and Katherine Freese, APS Meeting, Division of Particles and Fields, Fermilab, November 1992
- An Improved Parker Bound on the Flux of Magnetic Monopoles, Gregory Tarle, Fred C. Adams, Marco Fatuzzo, Katherine Freese, Michael S. Turner and Richard Watkins, in Proc. of the 23rd Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., (Calgary, 1993), 4, 597 (1993).
- Natural Inflation, Katherine Freese, Yamada Conference XXXVII: Evolution of the Universe and its Observational Quest, Tokyo, Japan, June 1993
- The Horizon, Flatness, and Monopole Problems in Cosmology, Katherine Freese, Coral Gables Meeting, Miami, FLA, January 1994
- Theoretical Status of Inflation, Katherine Freese, Coral Gables Meeting, Miami, FL, January 1995
- Low Mass Stars and Baryonic Dark Matter, Katherine Freese, Meeting on `Aspects of Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics’, Heidelberg, Germany, Sept. 1996
- New Higgsino Dark Matter Candidate Motivated by Collider Data, Katherine Freese, Meeting on `Aspects of Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics’, Heidelberg, Germany, Sept. 1996
- “Observational Status of the Texture Large-Scale Structure Formation Model”, Hideyuki Umeda and Katherine Freese, Proceedings for IAU Regional Meeting, Pusan, Korea,Sept. 1996
- “What are Machos? Limits on Stellar Objects as the Dark Matter of our Halo”, K. Freese, B. Fields, and D. Graff, International Workshop on `Aspects of Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics’, Heidelberg, Germany, July 1998
- “Limits on Stellar Objects as the Dark Matter of Our Halo: Nonbaryonic Dark Matter Seems to be Required,” K. Freese, Nineteenth Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology, Paris, France, December 1998
- “Death of Stellar Baryonic Dark Matter,” K. Freese, B. Fields, and D. Graff, First Stars Conference, Munich, Germany, August 1999, astro-ph/0002058.
- “Effects of CP Violation in Neutralino Scattering and Annihilation,” P. Gondolo and K Freese, TAUP99 Meeting, Paris, France, September 1999, hep-ph/0001071.
- “Death of Stellar Baryonic Dark Matter Candidates,” K. Freese, B. Fields, and D. Graff, Meeting on Sources and Detection of Dark Matter in the Universe, Marina del Rey, CA, February 2000.
- “Death of Baryonic Dark Matter,” K. Freese, B. Fields, and D. Gra , Third International Workshop on the Identication of Dark Matter, York, England, Sept. 2000.
- “Hagedorn In ation,” Meeting on Extra Dimensions, Paris, FR, May 2001
- “Generalized Cardassian Expansion: A Model in which the Universe is Flat, Matter Dominated, and Accelerating,” Meeting on Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe, Marina del Rey, CA, February 2002.
- “The positron excess and supersymmetric dark matter,” Edward A. Baltz, Joakim Edsjo, Katherine Freese, and Paolo Gondolo, Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Identification of Dark Matter (idm2002), York, England, 2-6 September, 2002.
- “Cardassian Expansion: Dark Energy from Modied Friedmann Equations”, Proceedings of the 6th UCLA Symposium on Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe, February 18-20 , 2004, Marina del Rey, California, New Astronomy Reviews 49 (2005) 103.
- “The Dark Side of the Universe”, conference proceeding for Low Temperature Detectors LTD-11 Workshop in Tokyo (2005), Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 559 (2006) 337.
- “Dark Matter in the First Stars: A New Phase of Stellar Evolution”, Proceedings for The First Stars Conference in Santa Fe, NM, July 2007
- “Annual Modulation in the Presence of Streams”, C. Savage, K. Freese, and P. Gondolo, Proceedings of the 7th UCLA Symposium on Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe, Proceedings of the 7th UCLA Symposium on Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe, Santa Monica, CA 2006, Nuclear Physics B – Proceedings Supplements, 173 (2007) 91.
- “The Phantom Bounce: A New Proposal for an Oscillating Cosmology”, Katherine Freese, Matthew G. Brown, William H. Kinney, conference proceedings for “The Origin of Time’s Arrow” workshop at the NYAS, October 2007, arXiv:0802.2583 [astro-ph]
- “Natural Inflation: The Status after WMAP 3-year data”, Katherine Freese, Christopher Savage, William H. Kinney,to appear in the proceedings of International Workshop: From Quantum to Cosmos: Fundamental Physics Research in Space, Washington, District of Columbia, 22-24 May 2006. e-Print: arXiv:0802.0227 [hep-ph].
- “Dark Stars: Dark Matter in the First Stars leads to a New Phase of Stellar Evolution,” K. Freese, D. Spolyar, A. Aguirre, P. Bodenheimer, P. Gondolo, J.A. Sellwood, Naoki Yoshida, e-Print: arXiv:0808.0472 [astro-ph], Conference Proceeding for IAU Symposium 255: Low- Metallicity Star Formation: From the First Stars to Dwarf Galaxies
- “Review of Observational Evidence for Dark Matter in the Universe and in upcoming searches for Dark Stars,” K. Freese, Conference Proceeding for “Dark Matter and Dark Energy” in Lyon, France, July 2008, arXiv:0812.4005 [astro-ph].
- “Dark Stars: the First Stars in the Universe may be powered by Dark Matter Heating,” K. Freese, P. Bodenheimer, P. Gondolo and D. Spolyar, arXiv:0812.4844 [astro-ph], Eighth UCLA Symposium: Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe, proceedings, Feb. 2008. AIP Conf.Proc.1166:33-38,2009.
- “Dark Stars: Dod och Ateruppstandelse,”D. Spolyar, K. Freese, P. Gondolo, A. Aguirre, P. Bodenheimer, J. A. Sellwood and N. Yoshida, arXiv:0901.4574 [astro-ph.CO], conference proceeding for “Identification of Dark Matter” (IDM 2008), Sweden, August 2008.
- “Is the Carter-Israel conjecture correct?” Cosimo Bambi, Katherine Freese, Rohta Takahashi, e-Print: arXiv:0908.3238 [astro-ph.HE]
- “Supermassive Dark Stars: Detectable in JWST and HST.” Katherine Freese, Eduardo Ruiz ,Monica Valluri, Cosmin Ilie, Douglas Spolyar, and Peter Bodenheimer, talk presented at First Stars and Galaxies Conference at UT Austin in March 2010, AIP Conf.Proc.1294:45-51,2010. e-Print: arXiv:1006.5246 [astro-ph.CO]
- “Signatures of Dark Star Remnants in the Galactic Halo.” Pearl Sandick, Juerg Diemand, Katherine Freese, and Douglas Spolyar, e-Print: arXiv:1012.0068 [astro-ph.CO], Prepared for IDM 2010: 8th International Workshop on Identification of Dark Matter 2010, Montpellier, France, 26-30 Jul 2010.Published in PoS IDM2010:086,2011.
- “Searches for Dark Matter in the Universe: a Review,” Review talk for the XXVII Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics in Dallas in December 2013. The proceedings are posted here:
- “Cosmology after Fifty Years of Texas Meetings,” Summary talk for the XXVII Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics in Dallas in December 2013. The proceedings are posted here:
- “The unification of physics: the quest for a theory of everything,” S. Paulson, M. Gleiser, K. Freese and M. Tegmark, Annals N. Y. Acad. Sci. 1361, 18 (2015).
- “Status of Dark Matter in the Universe,” K. Freese, Proceedings of 14th Marcel Grossman Meeting, MG14, University of Rome ”La Sapienza”, Rome, July 2015, arXiv:1701:01840, Int.J.Mod.Phys. D26 (2017) no.06, 1730012
- E. C. Shaw, P. A. R. Ade, S. Akers, M. Amiri, J. E. Austermann, J. A. Beall, D. T. Becker, S. J. Benton, A. S. Bergman and J. J. Bock, et al. “Design and pre-flight performance of SPIDER 280 GHz receivers,” Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 11453, 114532F (2020) doi:10.1117/12.2562941 [arXiv:2012.12407 [astro-ph.IM]].
- S. Baum, P. Huber, P. Stengel, N. Abe, D. G. Ang, L. Apollonio, G. R. Araujo, L. Balogh, P. B. Y. Boukhtouchen and J. Bramante, et al. “Mineral Detection of Neutrinos and Dark Matter 2024. Proceedings,” [arXiv:2405.01626 [astro-ph.CO]].